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It's been awhile

But I'm still alive!

Dec. 15, 2015, 7:37 p.m.

Where to start ...
I suppose a good summary of things that have happened is in store:
1. I've added all the games I've worked on to my Projects page. Check 'em out!
2. I'm going to be going on a London tour in June 2016 with the Cal Poly Jazz Band. So ... that's amazing.
3. I'm finally done with one of my last of 3 quarters in college.

That last one is kind of surreal to me, to be honest. I'll never perform in uniform at a college football game ever again. I'll never perform in a concert hall with ~300 other musicians ever again. I won't be able to participate in away-game trips with the band anymore.

What's funny is that all of these things have to do with being in Cal Poly's marching band. I really can't see myself not being part of it and it being part of my life, but each quarter it gets phased out a little more. I'm really going to miss it - the people, the music, the leadership, and especially the feeling of performing for thousands.
But I digress. There's really not much else to say in this blog post other than I've still been working on music and games and that I'll be done with school soon (even more so since I passed all my classes this quarter, eyyyyyy ...).

So yeah, thanks for reading! Cheers, and happy holidays!

Tags: | casual | life | feels | school | music | cal poly | gamejam |


No I'm not a drug addict, I swear!

Dec. 18, 2014, 12:47 a.m.

So I didn't get a job, and that's ok!

But it's surprising how some bad news really hits you.

It sucks immensely at first, especially if you have to still confront the person who gave you said news immediately after hearing it. Then there's the mourning period where you just sit in awe and realize X thing isn't a thing anymore. Kind of a 'GG no re' but in real life. After, you have the solitude period where you want to revert to your brooding teenage years and try to think of a reason to reeeeaalllly be sad. You then spring into the anger portion, violently venting your frustration in whatever manner that is the least harmful to your well being... (so you think)

Then you enter the recovery period

Damn is it reassuring to have people tell you "everything is going to be ok", and its even better to realize it yourself. After the vent period, you get mad and bring up all the reasons X thing should not have happened. Reading/playing/saying whatever was vented back to yourself makes you realize "dang, I really actually am not deserving of X. I'm good. I'm really good. Huh. I will be ok after all. Everyone's right."

The purpose of this post is to basically say:
I had a bad day
I'm taking one down
I sing a sad song just to turn it around
I say I don't know
I tell me don't lie
I work at a smile and I go for a ride

But really though, do yourself a solid and consult friends when stuff happens. They're a helpful bunch.

Tags: | casual | life | feels |